Shell Out
Shell Out :::
It can be found in the Battle Lobby in Splatoon 3. Normally it costs 30,000 per use, but the first use per day costs 5000. This first use resets at 00:00 UTC, regardless if the player has purchased something before 24 hours have passed. During the Sneak Peek period immediately before a Splatfest and for the duration of the following Splatfest, conch shells can additionally be used as an alternative manner of operating the machine, at one conch shell per use. Whilst this period is ongoing, the machine's design is slightly modified, with a neon conch shell sign on the machine and a folded sign, banner, and basket surrounding the machine. In this state, the SquidForce logo on the front of the capsules is replaced with an image of a conch shell.
Shell-out is a wordplay on "shelling out" which is to pay winnings to someone, and the conch shells that the machine accepts. It could also be a play on the word 'sellout', meaning 'to betray one's cause or associates especially for personal or monetary gain'.
So, from what I can gather, I presume it means "going out from the context of the executing program, to the surrounding program, or execution environment", in broad terms. Usually you go out to the unix shell, hence the term shell out.
I've cracked thousands of eggs in my life, yet I still usually mess up when I make my morning eggs. Sometimes I crack the egg to hard and end up leaving half of the white on the counter. Other times I don't crack the egg hard enough, and end up spending 20 seconds digging with my fingers until I can pry apart the shell. Sometimes I puncture the yolk on the shell, and other times the entire thing slips out of my hands.
It always seems to happen at the least opportune time. You're frying an egg in hot butter, the white is about to set, and you realize a chunk of shell is at the bottom. You're rushing through a cake recipe, you crack an egg, and the next thing you know, you've left behind part of its shell.
Of course, you don't need me to tell you that attempting to remove a rogue piece of eggshell is one of life's most frustrating occurrences. It's right up there with people who drive half the speed limit and outlets behind bookshelves.
I've heard a lot of people say that the easiest way to remove an eggshell fragment is with... well... a piece of eggshell. Yet I've heard many other people dismiss this as a myth, and claim that wet fingers or spoons are better options.
So I did a test. I recruited my girlfriend, and had her remove a small piece of eggshell from an egg 15 times: five teams each with her fingers, with a spoon, and with an eggshell. And I timed her. Then I had her time me while I tried to fish out the shell fragment.
Using a spoon to catch the eggshell shard was notably quicker than using your fingers. Then again, using a spoon means going into a drawer and getting out a spoon, which negates some of the speed involved. Still, it's a quicker, and therefore less frustrating, process.
Ding ding ding. We have a winner! Using an eggshell proved to be the quickest way to remove a smaller piece of eggshell. Apparently this is because the sharp edge of the eggshell is able to cut through the whites.
For those wanting to know the exact results, it took us an average of 12.5 seconds to remove the shell with our fingers, 5.7 seconds with a spoon, and 3.8 seconds with an eggshell. Yet, when I invariably get a piece of eggshell lost in my egg, I still reach in with my fingers. Old habits die hard.
Shells fragments aren't the only thing frustrating about eggs. Think peeling hard-boiled eggs. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get the job done, including cooking your eggs right, rolling hard-boiled eggs on the countertop, and our favorite, using a glass of water to get the shell off.
Growing up in Canada, in addition to "trick-or-treating" as a description of kids' activities on Hallowe'en evening, I often heard the verb "shell out", conjugated as "shelling out" or "shellouting". A sample sentence would be: "Are you going shellouting tonight" meaning "are you going out to ask for candy at peoples' houses" A Google search doesn't reveal much about this usage, except for references to Hallowe'en in Canada.
The expression "shell out" in place of "trick or treat" evidently goes further back than even the 1940s, if we may trust the memory of Canadian poet Dorothy Livesay. Livesay was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, but moved with her family to Toronto, Ontario, in 1920 when she was either ten or eleven, according to the Wikipedia article about her. In her poem "Halloweens" originally from Plainsongs (1971), but reprinted in The Self-Completing Tree (1999), she writes
The 1950s saw the taming of Halloween. "Shell out, shell out," remarked the Toronto Star quite lightheartedly, "for this is the week of treats or tricks. So light up the pumpkins and be prepared for everything from ghosts to colonial ladies, live bunnies, blackface comediennes and his satanic majesty."
I'd never heard of this, but it does appear to be a Canadian thing that no longer occurs, where children would shout "Shell out!", where in the USA they would shout "Trick or treat". Presumably the request is that people should shell out some sweets and/or cash.
"Shell out, shell out!" we yelled at kitchen doors all along the road. From here and there in the distance, other treble voices, also shell-outing, echoed ours, and tramping the shoulder of the road in the pitch-black night, we met other unidentifiable goblins. But dressed in a flimsy silk-and-paper costume, with nothing warm on underneath, I was surprised to find that I was freezing.
Here is a video from a TV program from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1954. I think it's geofenced for Canadian IP addresses only. Kids in a rural area (probably in Ontario) are saying "Shell out, shell out - the Witches are out."
I often heard the verb "shell out", conjugated as "shelling out" or "shellouting". A sample sentence would be: "Are you going shellouting tonight" meaning "are you going out to ask for candy at peoples' houses"
There is nothing more annoying than cracking an egg and finding a bit of shell has dropped into the raw egg. Even more annoying is trying to get it out! Try this very clever method for removing egg shell from raw egg:
Take the broken half of the leftover egg shell and use it to scoop out the bit of shell in your egg. The jagged part of the egg shell acts as a sort of knife breaking through the raw egg to get at the shell easily and without mess.
Back in September, a small number of Taco Bell customers were introduced to a new concept: a taco shell made of fried chicken, used to make what was then dubbed the "Naked Crispy Chicken Taco." It was the Tex-Mex chain's response to KFC's Double Down, a sandwich that uses fried chicken fillets for buns.
The dream of a fried chicken shell may have never been realized if not for the diligence of Steve Gomez, Taco Bell's manager of product development. He calls it "a passion project," and made it his mission to get other employees to try it. Looking back, he says he "was probably borderline annoying" in efforts to spread the word.
Taco Bell's approach to product innovation typically is focused on new product lines that it can expand with variations and flavors, such as the Doritos Locos Tacos, but with a deep-fried chicken shell, "it really feels like you're at the end of the innovation line. What do you do next" said Garcia. "We will think of something, of course."
But even with this technique you're bound to get a little eggshell in the bowl every once in awhile. So how do you get it out You don't need a step-by-step tutorial or some fancy gadget. Nope, you simply need what's already in your hand: one of the broken halves of the eggshell. Use it as a hacked spoon, to cut through the egg white and scoop out the floating piece of shell. 59ce067264